
College: At a Glance

Satya Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital is a constituent College located in Rohatak, Haryana. This college is growing as a centre of excellence Ayurvedic education. It is Affiliated by Shri Krishna AYUSH University, Krukshetra, Haryana as the largest and most authentic resource of knowledge of Ayurveda. It was established in 2023-24 with intake capacity of 60.

 As people are aware about the facts that classical texts of Ayurveda, Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya etc. are believed to be the outcome of such informal education. The College is planned for doing pioneering work, in the field of Ayurveda Education and for imparting professional expertise, to the young aspirants who will be groomed to dedicate themselves to the service of humanity.

Satya Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital has its own elegant architectural building with modern diagnostic and good facilities. It provides world class education, teaching facilities to the students and opportunity to explore a new world of education.


The college is located on Bhiwani highway , at a distance about 6 km. from Maham and easily approachable by air, road, railway form all over world.

Philosophy of college

India is the origin of this ayurvedic medicinal system. Ayurveda is the oldest healing science in the world, derived from its ancient Sanskrit roots - 'Ayu' (life) and 'Veda' (wisdom), offering the holistic and natural approach to a healthy life, its origins go back nearly 5,000 years. It is said that this is a God given science to Mankind. The creator, Brahma, taught it to the Daksha, Prajapati. From whom it is taught to the divine twins - Ashwinikumars. They taught Ayurveda to Lord Indra. When mankind started suffering from various diseases the wise men like Bharadvaja learnt from Indra the knowledge of medicine. Ayurvedic science is aimed at preservation of health and prevention of disease by establishing balance through nutrition, herbs, meditation, and daily routine. Western medicine takes care of the physical body and its systems. Ayurvedic science provides the knowledge to unfold the reality beyond the physical body and achieve the harmony with the universe. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes Ayurveda as a natural health care system.

Ayurveda is the science of life, by which we learn about its working and how to maintain the life as long as possible. It uses mix of natural herbs as medicine and has very effective treatment for virtually all kinds of ailments. In Ayurveda, which is basically a humoural medical system, diseases are understood as an imbalance between the body's three humors. The three humors are Vata (nerve energy), Pitta (catabolic fire energy) and Kapha (anabolic nutritive energy).

Ayurved touches many aspects of our life. It is not only about medicines. Yes, it heals cures and prevents disorders and malfunctions in human body. It is not all. It is omnipresent. It tells us everything about the way; we are to lead our life, a healthy life. It is really amazing when we find that, a great deal of thought was applied by our ancestors to small and minute details of everything that affects our life. They have done it through “Ayurved”